RUSC Monthly Subscription Fee

Dear Members,

Rajshahi University Science Club is one of the most popular organization of science lovers in Bangladesh. Every member of this club is working tirelessly to popularize science and build a science-minded nation. It is the moral responsibility and duty of every member of the club to give importance to the financial condition of the club in order to maintain its own continuity. Therefore, all the members belonging to the following categories are humbly requested to pay the subscription fees.

Pay Amount

  • Secretary Panel- 50/-
  • Senior & Junior Executive Member- 40 (Fourty) /-
  • General Member- 30 (Thirty)/-
  • Organizer- 20*12 = 240 (Two hundred and fourty)/-

Note: Section 19 (d) of the Club Constitution states that if someone has more than 3 months of a monthly subscription, his membership will be deemed canceled. Hence it is requested to pay the monthly subscription on time.

Thank you

Md. Golam Rabbi
Rajshahi University Science Club





Pay Your Dues Here

After selecting events you want register from below, click the “Select” button. It will take you to the submission page. Submit the required information by clicking the “Submit” button.


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